What more can you ask for from a Classical Christian School?

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more
than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams],
according to His power that is at work within us.

– Ephesians 3:20

As you may know, the Latin word adolesco means to grow, to mature, to increase, become strong, and to become established. This name represents the mission of our school: To cultivate disciples for the glory of God. Not only nominal believers of Christ but doers of the faith who increase in wisdom and in stature.

Simultaneously, the school itself is experiencing “adolescence,” starting with the birth and fledgling season. Adolesco Preparatory Academy has endured and matured; fought battles that ministries fight; felt growing pains, the weight of its purpose and the eagerness to become established in its community. We finished our fourth year, like the first three, with a pleasant sense of fulfillment. It’s a gift to partner with God for such a worthy cause. Yes, there are certainly struggles, but our classical Christian school is worth fighting for.

We are currently enjoying our home at Natalbany Baptist Church and plans to stay until we can no longer fit. How long? Who can predict the rate APA’s student body will grow? We aim to grow as the Lord sees fit. We will always follow His lead.

One thing we do know: for the first three summers, we enrolled new families at a higher than the average rate. In recent years, a Classical Christian school could expect to grow by roughly 30% in the first 5 years. APA has experienced a 50% growth each year. We are now at the cusp of 100 students. To say we are amazed that Adolesco Prep is expanding and drawing more and more like-minded families to the fold is exhilarating. Our incoming families continue to be stellar, and we are confident that good fruit will further abound!

Are you passionate to see a classical Christian school thrive in our community? Consider sharing us with a like-minded family, donating to support our mission, or adding us to your prayer list.  And may He do exceedingly and abundantly more for you according to His power at work within you. 

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