Once a month, the entire Adolesco Prep community comes together for a crucial part of our faith-based education. This meeting is more than a cookie-cutter chapel. We gather to celebrate God and what He is doing in our school. It’s a time to remember why Adolesco Prep exists.
With its roots planted in Isaiah 60:1-3, Rise&Shine is designed to remind our students of foundational truths. Through Jesus’ transforming power, they bear His light. We are all called to influence the world for the glory of God.
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
– Isaiah 60:1-3
Rise&Shine mornings encourage students and parents alike with special worship and guest speakers. That’s right! Not just students. Rise&Shine for students and parents. Our faith-based education is designed to enrich the whole family unit. Adolesco works with parents to educate and disciple their children. Besides, we all can use encouragement.
The Saharan Sand Phenomena
In one meeting, Veronica Leto (Adolesco Prep’s cofounder) shared the meaning behind Rise&Shine. She linked Isaiah 60 to the Saharan Sand Phenomena of the summer of 2023. The imagery was inspiring.
Mrs. Leto explained how Saharan winds cause large sand storms. These storms pass over northern Africa and travel all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. As the dusty sand travels, it is exposed to sunlight. Then, as the dust absorbs the light, the dust particles undergo a molecular transformation. They become iron-like.
Yes, you read that correctly – dust to iron!
This new metal-like material then begins to reflect the sunlight it previously absorbed. The reflection of light causes a cooling and calming effect on bodies of water that would otherwise fuel storms and hurricanes. That particular hurricane season (of 2023), experts anticipated high storm activity with 2-3 very strong, destructive storms projected. Towards the end of the summer, U.S. weather centers began retracting these projections due to the heavy presence of Saharan dust found in and around the southern border skies.
Ok, that’s interesting. But what does the weather and African dust have to do with inspiring faith-based education?
Well, just like the sand, Christ-followers can absorb His light. When we read scripture, pray, and fellowship with other followers, we bond with Him. In return, His presence transforms us into new creations that begin to reflect Jesus’ light into a world whose chaos needs calming.
Likewise, this is the ultimate mission at Adolesco Prep: to raise Christ-followers that reflect the Light of the World so that “nations and kings will come to the brightness of their dawn” and influence their communities for the glory of God. We exist as more than just a faith-based education option, we partner with you to develop mature disciples ready to impact the world for Jesus.
In conclusion, if you and your family want to be transformed in this way, RSVP to an Interest Meeting. We know God wants to add to our community and love when like-minded families join the Adolesco Community.