The Road to Adolesco
Our Story
You want to disciple your children well, but your influence is waning while the world’s is growing. It’s frustrating when the world gets more time than you do. You haven’t considered other school options before, but it’s time to make a change. Yes, all kids grow up, but they don’t have to grow out of the values you’ve instilled.
You deserve an ally, a supportive community to help you and your child grow.
As parents, we understand the challenges of homeschool and the frustrations of losing touch with our kids from demanding school schedules. That’s why we started Adolesco Preparatory Academy. Our University-Model® school maintains rigorous academics while partnering with parents to foster students’ spiritual growth. Our flexible schedule in a distinctly Christian environment cultivates holistic growth.
More than graduates, we prepare confident, purposeful disciples firmly rooted in their faith. Interested?
- Sign up for our next Parent Interest Meeting. Learn what it means to be part of the Adolesco Prep community.
- Fill out your Admission Form. Send us information, get references, and schedule a family interview to make sure we’re a great fit. Our process helps protect our distinctly Christian culture.
- Grow in wisdom and faith in our Classical, Christian community.
Sign up today to learn how Adoelsco Prep develops both students and families. Don’t give up, there is a solution. Reclaim your time and partner with Adolesco Prep to cultivate the extraordinary.
Mission Statement
To provide a distinctly Christian community, promoting meaningful parent-child relationships and rigorous education, to increase wisdom, truth and excellence for students who will transform their community for the glory of God.
Our Founding
Many years ago, I was introduced to a University-Model® school called Logos Preparatory Academy, where students attend school two days a week and complete School@Home assignments on alternate days with a parent. The curriculum is academically challenging and distinctly and unapologetically Christian. Parenting alongside like-minded families and having more time for family and extracurricular activities are obvious benefits. It sounded amazing!
More impressive is the demeanor of the students. I easily recognized they were ahead of their years. I wanted my young family to have the University-Model® experience, but I felt inadequate to manage School@Home days. I was afraid I would get it wrong. Choosing another path, we enrolled in a small Christian school, but we had doubts about the environment and the curriculum lacking Biblical roots. It didn’t seem ideal and I was out of sync with our children’s educational capabilities. It was time to explore other options and I remembered Logos Prep.
Alex and I attended an Interest Meeting there and immediately applied. We were not to be disappointed. My girls and I learned together. It was challenging at times and beautiful. My children noticed the difference in the character of their peers and I had not understood the true meaning of a Christian school until then. We had found our home and were 100% content. We happily enrolled for our second year.
However, that August, we felt the Holy Spirit prompting our family to uproot our life of 10 years in Houston. The move was to Hammond, near family. Unfortunately, Louisiana did not have a University-Model® school, but by God’s grace, we enrolled our children in a traditional private school. Our new adventure in Louisiana was off to a great start.
A few weeks in, my heart was deeply grieving the University-Model® schedule and the quality time I once had with my children. Evenings and mornings were rushed and it was Groundhog Day every day! Redundant routines, endless carlines, and to-do lists. There was not enough time in the evenings and weekends to be together. I missed the Logos community of like-minded families and again felt out of touch with my kids’ education. I knew this lifestyle was not sustainable, so I started looking at other options.
As I researched, the Holy Spirit pressed on my heart and then I heard Him: “Start a school.” Fears of inadequacy crept in. Surely not me! Yet, this clearly was Him calling me to start Louisiana’s first University-Model® School. Within a few days, the Head and cofounder of Logos Prep encouraged me, “Get a team together. You can’t do this alone.”
And then God showed me, Veronica and Michael Leto. They were facing the same uncertainties about school for their eldest, nearing kindergarten. She was troubled by the thought of him spending 35 hours a week under the influence of peers and teachers. She wanted to be the primary mentor in his life, and they were unwilling to give up so much time with their son.
When I described the University-Model® to Veronica, she said “This is exactly what I didn’t know I wanted!” and jumped to invite Elizabeth Cash to lead us in the educational aspects. Adolesco Preparatory Academy was born and as it turns out, other families in our area were shouting the same sentiment: APA really is exactly what parents didn’t know they wanted!
Many years ago, I was introduced to a University-Model® school called Logos Preparatory Academy, where students attend school two days a week and complete School@Home assignments on alternate days with a parent. The curriculum is academically challenging and distinctly and unapologetically Christian. Parenting alongside like-minded families and having more time for family and extracurricular activities are obvious benefits. It sounded amazing!
More impressive is the demeanor of the students. I easily recognized they were ahead of their years. I wanted my young family to have the University-Model® experience, but I felt inadequate to manage School@Home days. I was afraid I would get it wrong. Choosing another path, we enrolled in a small Christian school, but we had doubts about the environment and the curriculum lacking Biblical roots. It didn’t seem ideal and I was out of sync with our children’s educational capabilities. It was time to explore other options and I remembered Logos Prep.
Alex and I attended an Interest Meeting there and immediately applied. We were not to be disappointed. My girls and I learned together. It was challenging at times and beautiful. My children noticed the difference in the character of their peers and I had not understood the true meaning of a Christian school until then. We had found our home and were 100% content. We happily enrolled for our second year.
However, that August, we felt the Holy Spirit prompting our family to uproot our life of 10 years in Houston. The move was to Hammond, near family. Unfortunately, Louisiana did not have a University-Model® school, but by God’s grace, we enrolled our children in a traditional private school. Our new adventure in Louisiana was off to a great start.
A few weeks in, my heart was deeply grieving the University-Model® schedule and the quality time I once had with my children. Evenings and mornings were rushed and it was Groundhog Day every day! Redundant routines, endless carlines, and to-do lists. There was not enough time in the evenings and weekends to be together. I missed the Logos community of like-minded families and again felt out of touch with my kids’ education. I knew this lifestyle was not sustainable, so I started looking at other options.
As I researched, the Holy Spirit pressed on my heart and then I heard Him: “Start a school.” Fears of inadequacy crept in. Surely not me! Yet, this clearly was Him calling me to start Louisiana’s first University-Model® School. Within a few days, the Head and cofounder of Logos Prep encouraged me, “Get a team together. You can’t do this alone.”
And then God showed me, Veronica and Michael Leto. They were facing the same uncertainties about school for their eldest, nearing kindergarten. She was troubled by the thought of him spending 35 hours a week under the influence of peers and teachers. She wanted to be the primary mentor in his life, and they were unwilling to give up so much time with their son.
When I described the University-Model® to Veronica, she said “This is exactly what I didn’t know I wanted!” and jumped to invite Elizabeth Cash to lead us in the educational aspects. Adolesco Preparatory Academy was born and as it turns out, other families in our area were shouting the same sentiment: APA really is exactly what parents didn’t know they wanted!

The Husser Family

The Leto Family
In April of 2019, Alex unexpectedly lost his job in the Oil and Gas Industry. He struggled with what life should look like for him and our family. Knowing he wanted to be home more and spend less time traveling to and from work, he contemplated changing careers. In a span of four months, we prayed for God’s direction and calling on our life.
In August, we felt the Holy Spirit prompting us to uproot our family and our life of 10 years in Houston. The direction was to Hammond, near family, to partner with Alex’s father in his construction business. Meanwhile, our children were two weeks from starting school, and we were pressed to make some quick and tough decisions.
Unfortunately, Louisiana did not have a University-Model® school and we weren’t ready for homeschooling. By God’s grace and some family support, we were able to enroll our three eldest children in a traditional private school. Our kids would be in a structured environment, away from the chaos of new changes and uncertainties while having the opportunity to make friends.
Our new adventure in Louisiana was off to a great start. We were spending great time with extended family, established ourselves at a new church, and the kids were doing well in school. But my heart was badly grieving Logos Prep and the special time I had with my children. Evenings and mornings were rushed. It was Groundhog Day every day! Redundant routines and endless to-do lists. There was not enough time in the evenings and weekends to just focus on family.
I missed the Logos community of like-minded parents and, once again, I felt out of touch with my kids’ education. I knew this lifestyle was not sustainable, so I started looking at other options, including homeschooling. As I did my research, the Holy Spirit pressed on my heart and one day soon after, I heard Him. “Start a school.”
Fears of inadequacy crept in. “I’m a full-time mom who was once a dental hygienist who was never an educator.” Surely not me! Yet, this was clearly Him calling me to start the first University-Model® School in Louisiana. Within a few days, I spoke with Tammy Mcllvoy, the Head of Logos Prep, and one of the founders. “Get a team together,” she instructed. “You can’t do this alone.”
And then God showed me Veronica Leto. Veronica was facing the same uncertainties about school for her children, the eldest of which would be starting kindergarten in 2020. She was troubled with the thought of him spending 35 hours each week solely under the influence of peers and teachers. She wanted to be the primary mentor in his life and was not ready to give up so much time with him.
When I described the University-Model® to her, she said “This is exactly what I didn’t know I wanted!” She talked with her husband, Michael, and shared the notion of founding a school and he simply said, “Sounds like something we want. Why not?” So, because two families had faith and obedience to God, Adolesco Preparatory Academy was born.
Learn more about our Administration and Faculty here.
Statement of Faith
This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of Adolesco Preparatory Academy’s beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. In regards to faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the Board of Trustees is Adolesco Preparatory Academy’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
1. We believe the Bible to be the only infallible, inspired, authoritative, inerrant Word of God and is the basis for our sincerely held beliefs.
2. We believe there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit .
3. We believe in the deity of Christ; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His miracles; His vicarious and atoning death; His resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father; His personal return in power and glory.
4. We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; that men are justified on the single ground of faith in the bloodshed of Christ; that only by God’s grace and through faith we are saved.
5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life .
6. We believe God wonderfully and immutable creates each person as male (man) or female (woman). These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God.
7. We believe that since each person is made in the image of God, every person has value and must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect and dignity .
8. We believe all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions. We are therefore called to defend, protect and value all human life.
Download our full Statement of Faith with supporting scripture.